Archive for the ‘Dog Arthritis’ Category

Jun 2, 2023

VetStem Cell Therapy for Dog with Arthritis and Torn Ligament

Yesterday, June 1st, was International Sheltie Day. To celebrate, we have a blog for you all about Lady, a Sheltie who received VetStem Cell Therapy for arthritis and a cruciate ligament tear.

Lady suffered with arthritis since she was two years old for which she received various medications at different times. When she was eight years old, she tore the cruciate ligament in her left knee. Though her injury required surgical repair, her veterinarian, Dr. Jeff Christiansen of Superior Veterinary Surgical Solutions, recommended treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy in addition to surgery.


During her knee surgery, Dr. Christiansen collected a sample of fat tissue from her abdomen. The tissue was sent to the VetStem laboratory where it was processed to extract and concentrate the stem and regenerative cells contained therein. Five stem cells doses were prepared and shipped to Dr. Christiansen while the rest of Lady’s stem cells were put into cryopreservation for future use.

In addition to her injured knee, Dr. Christiansen planned to treat Lady’s arthritic joints. Approximately 48 hours after her surgery, Lady received a dose of her own stem cells into her left knee, left hip, and both carpi (wrists), as well as an intravenous dose.

Lady’s owner was very happy with the results of her treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy. She stated, “Prior to the stem cell treatments, Lady had a hard time going from a sit-to-stand position and would go outside for no more than 10 minutes at a time. Now she goes on 30-50 minute walks. She is far more playful than she was before the stem cell treatment. The stem cell treatment has been life changing for my fur baby. I would highly recommend stem cell therapy!”

Lady’s initial treatment was back in 2015. In the following years, she received additional treatments utilizing her stored stem cells to help her maintain a good quality of life. She initially received one intravenous dose roughly every 9-13 months. Approximately two years after her last intravenous dose, she received a round of joint injections in addition to an intravenous dose.

This treatment schedule is not uncommon for a dog with arthritis. Because arthritis is a degenerative disease, stem cells can slow the progression of the disease but ultimately will not cure the condition. This is important to note because many pets will require repeat or routine treatments as they continue to age. Fortunately, VetStem has the ability to both store stem cells and produce more stem cells, should your pet require them in the future. This means that just one fat collection can provide a lifetime supply of stem cells for your pet. Stem cells have been shown to reduce inflammation and pain and to contribute to the regeneration of damaged tissues such as cartilage and tendon/ligament. Interested in VetStem Cell Therapy for your pet? Speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers near you.

May 26, 2023

VetStem Cell Therapy Helps Dog with Hip Arthritis

All month long we’ve been discussing arthritis in honor of Arthritis Awareness Month. We’ve covered arthritis in cats and dogs as well as using exercise to manage your pet’s arthritis. Another tool to help reduce symptoms of arthritis and actually help to repair damaged cartilage tissue is VetStem Cell Therapy. This week, to wrap up our month of Arthritis Awareness blogs, we are sharing Gracie’s stem cell success story.

Gracie at the dog park

Gracie, a spirited Golden Retriever, was two years old when she suddenly could not stand up. Prior to this, her personality had changed as well. She went from being a rambunctious, active pup to very calm. It turns out, she was struggling with pain. Her owners immediately took her to the veterinarian where it was determined she has a bad case of bilateral hip dysplasia resulting in osteoarthritis. Hip dysplasia is a deformity of the ball and socket hip joint that occurs during growth. The deformity results in joint laxity (looseness) and eventually leads to osteoarthritis (OA). OA is a painful condition that can greatly reduce a dog’s quality of life.

Fortunately for Gracie, her veterinarian works with VetStem proponent Dr. Angie Zinkus at Germantown Parkway Animal Hospital. Dr. Zinkus has treated multiple arthritic patients with VetStem Cell Therapy and agreed Gracie was a good candidate for the procedure. In this particular case, Dr. Zinkus mentored Dr. Susannah Mays to familiarize her with the VetStem process.

First, Dr. Mays collected fat tissue from Gracie’s abdomen during a minimally invasive anesthetic procedure. The fat was aseptically packaged and shipped to the VetStem processing laboratory in Poway, California. Lab technicians processed the fat to extract and concentrate the stem and regenerative cells contained therein.

Gracie’s cells were divided into doses and a total of nine stem cell injections were shipped to her veterinarian for treatment while the rest were put into cryostorage. Approximately 48 hours after the initial fat collection procedure, Gracie received injections of her own stem cells in her hips, knees, elbows, shoulders, as well as an intravenous injection. According to Dr. Zinkus, though Gracie’s knees, elbows, and shoulders did not show signs of arthritis, she prefers to treat each joint as a preventative measure to help protect against the development of future osteoarthritis.

In addition to stem cell therapy, Gracie received platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections into her joints. PRP and stem cell therapy work synergistically. Concentrated platelets accelerate internal healing processes by attracting stem cells, supporting an anti-inflammatory environment, and stimulating local tissue repair processes.

According to Gracie’s owner, the stem cell and PRP treatment was a huge success! Her owner noted that it only took a few months before they noticed a vast improvement stating, “Gracie is back to her silly self, running as fast as she can to chase our backyard squirrels!! Thank you, VetStem and Dr. Zinkus for this wonderful solution to Gracie’s painful hips.”

Gracie’s story is just one of many that we have received from pet parents. As we discussed in a recent blog, Osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases in dogs and pain associated with osteoarthritis can greatly reduce a dog’s quality of life. But VetStem Cell Therapy can help! According to surveys answered by owners and veterinarians, greater than 80% of dogs showed an improved quality of life after receiving VetStem Cell Therapy for osteoarthritis.

Curious if your dog may benefit from treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy? Speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers near you.

May 19, 2023

Obesity and Exercise: Managing Arthritis in Pets

As you probably know, May is Arthritis Awareness Month, and we are discussing all things arthritis in pets in the VetStem blog. In last week’s blog, we covered arthritis in cats. This week we are discussing obesity and exercise and how these two things can help you manage your pet’s arthritis.

A few weeks ago, we mentioned that obesity or excess weight can cause or exacerbate arthritis in pets. Excess weight puts more stress on the joints and thereby causes them to break down faster. Unfortunately, several reports in recent years have indicated that obesity in pets is on the rise. Thus, osteoarthritis rates are also on the rise. It is estimated that approximately 25-30% of the general canine population in North America are obese, making it the most common preventable disease in dogs. Unsurprisingly, approximately 20% of all dogs are affected by OA, making it the most common chronic disease in dogs. Are you picking up on a pattern?

Fortunately, there is something that can help control weight AND arthritis symptoms: Exercise! That’s right, exercise, especially low- to moderate-impact exercise can not only help keep your pet in shape, it can also help to reduce the symptoms or delay the onset of arthritis.

Exercise such as walking and light hiking can help to maintain or reduce your dog’s weight, thus putting less stress on their joints. Additionally, routine exercise can help to strengthen the muscles and supporting soft tissue structures around the joints, promoting increased joint stability. It can also increase joint fluid circulation, which is beneficial to maintaining healthy joint cartilage.

While exercising your pet has many benefits, it’s important to speak to your veterinarian first, if you have concerns about your pet’s abilities. Generally speaking, regular, moderate exercise is favored over intermittent, intense exercise. According to Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine, “Regular physical activity is paramount in the treatment of osteoarthritis both in humans and animals. A lifestyle of regular activity that is moderated away from intermittent extremes of exercise (such as long hikes on the weekends) and activities to which the pet is not conditioned is essential. Ideally, multiple shorter walks are better than one long one. The same activity every day (or slightly increasing if tolerated) is ideal.”

May 5, 2023

May is Arthritis Awareness Month

Posted by Bob under Cat Arthritis, Dog Arthritis

May is Arthritis Awareness Month for pets (and people, too!). It is estimated that one in five dogs is affected by osteoarthritis (OA). Additionally, four to nine out of ten cats experience pain from OA. According to research conducted by Banfield in 2019, OA has been on the rise over the past ten years with a 66% increase in dogs and a150% increase in cats.

What Causes Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease in which the cartilage within a joint breaks down, causing changes in the surrounding bone. Common symptoms of OA include pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion. In dogs, the majority of OA cases stem from a developmental orthopedic disease such as joint dysplasia. It can also develop as a result of an injury such as a cruciate ligament tear.

Another factor that contributes to the formation or worsening of OA is weight. Excess weight puts more stress on a pet’s joints and thereby increases the risk of developing OA. Unfortunately, obesity in pets is on the rise and, according to Banfield’s research, one out of three cats and dogs in the U.S. are overweight. Thus, it makes sense that osteoarthritis in pets is also on the rise.

Osteoarthritis Treatments

While osteoarthritis can be a debilitating condition that severely affects a pet’s quality of life, there are several treatment options available. Like people, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other pain medications are commonly used in animals to treat pain from OA. Rehabilitation and exercise can also be effective at mitigating some of the major symptoms of OA and can help to strengthen the muscles that support a pet’s joints.

VetStem Cell Therapy has been used on thousands of patients to treat osteoarthritis. In addition to reducing pain and inflammation, stem cells can actually help to regenerate damaged joint tissues, leading to increased comfort and mobility. After receiving stem cell therapy, many pets have been able to reduce or discontinue their use of NSAIDs, which can have negative effects on major organs after prolonged use.

If you think your pet may benefit from treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy, speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers near you.

Apr 21, 2023

VetStem Cell Therapy Helps Bulldog with Knee Arthritis

Today is Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day, an unofficial holiday to celebrate all those short-nosed, loveable, goof balls! There are several different types of bulldogs including the English Bulldog and the very popular French Bulldog. In this blog, we want to share the stem cell story of an English Bulldog named Knuckles.

Like several breeds, English Bulldogs are prone to their own array of diseases and complications. One of which is, you guessed it, arthritis. Some bulldogs may be predisposed to joint dysplasia, an inherited condition that causes a malformed joint and osteoarthritis. This active and sometimes overweight breed also runs the risk of cruciate ligament rupture, another condition that can lead to osteoarthritis.

Poor Knuckles not only tore his cruciate ligament, he also had a luxating patella – a knee cap that shifts out of alignment. He underwent surgery to repair both problems but unfortunately the surgery failed. He developed a serious bacterial infection in his knee and the hardware that was placed during surgery had to be removed. After a long course of strong antibiotics, Knuckles’ condition continued to worsen. He lost muscle in the leg and didn’t want to use it, despite being on large amounts of anti-inflammatories, pain medications, joint supplements, and joint injections.

Fortunately, Knuckles was referred to Dr. Holly Mullen, a board-certified veterinary surgeon in San Diego. She determined that the bacterial infection damaged Knuckles’ knee so badly that he no longer had cartilage cushioning the joint, it was bone-on-bone. His pain would likely continue to increase until his only option was amputation. As an alternative, Dr. Mullen recommended treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy.

Knuckles chasing bubbles

To begin the VetStem process, a fat tissue collection was performed, and the tissue was sent to the VetStem laboratory. Due to Knuckles’ unique case, VetStem performed extra sterility testing to ensure his stem cells did not contain traces of bacteria. Additionally, Dr. Mullen tested the fluid in his knee to ensure he was clear of infection. When both tests came back negative, Knuckles received one injection of his own stem cells into his bad knee, and also an IV injection.

According to his owner, knuckles had a great response to the stem cell treatment! She stated, “At 7 years old, Knuckles has basically turned back into a puppy. Thirty days after his treatment, he was able to stop taking any medications at all! He now bears full weight on his leg, and he has gained back almost all of the muscle.” Knuckles was once again able to play with his sister and his best friend, climb up in the bed for snuggles, and do his favorite thing: chase bubbles!

If you think your pet may benefit from VetStem Cell Therapy, speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers in your area.

Apr 14, 2023

VetStem Cell Therapy for Puppy with Hip Dysplasia

Arthritis in dogs is hard at any age. But it’s especially heartbreaking when puppies are diagnosed with arthritis. That was the case for Ellie Mae, a hound mix, who was diagnosed with bilateral hip dysplasia resulting in osteoarthritis.

At approximately nine months old, Ellie Mae started limping. Soon after that, she stopped putting any weight on her back left leg and would cry every time she had to get up. Eventually, she stopped wanting to play at all. A trip to the veterinarian revealed that Ellie has osteoarthritis in both hips as a result of hip dysplasia.

Ellie Mae

A hereditary condition, hip dysplasia is a deformity of the ball and socket hip joint that occurs during growth. The deformity results in joint laxity (looseness) and eventually leads to osteoarthritis (OA). OA is a painful condition that can greatly reduce a dog’s mobility and quality of life.

Fortunately for Ellie, her veterinarian Dr. Glenn Behan of Barnegat Animal Clinic, recommended treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy. To begin the process, Dr. Behan collected fat tissue from Ellie Mae in a minimally invasive anesthetic procedure. The fat was shipped to the VetStem laboratory where technicians extracted her stem cells to create doses for treatment and cryopreservation. Approximately 48 hours after the initial fat collection procedure, Ellie Mae received one dose of her own stem cells into each hip.

According to Ellie Mae’s owner, “Nothing worked until the stem cells.” After her treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy, Ellie Mae slowly began to get better. Her owner stated, “It took about 2-3 months after the stem cell treatment, and she was running around like she never had a problem. She loves to run and go on walks with no problems. Rolls around and even shows her belly again when rolling on her back. She is about 15 months old now and is a crazy playful girl and enjoying playing with her sisters once again!”

VetStem Cell Therapy is used by veterinarians to treat a wide variety of injuries and diseases and may provide relief when, as in Ellie Mae’s case, other treatments are not working. VetStem Cell Therapy utilizes the body’s natural healing cells to accelerate and improve the quality of healing for acute conditions and to slow, stop, and ultimately revert the course of chronic diseases. If you think your pet may benefit from treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy, speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers near you.

Mar 24, 2023

National Newfoundland Dog Day: VetStem Cell Therapy for Ava

Tomorrow, March 25th, is National Newfoundland Dog Day! Newfies are a unique breed and are often as sweet and gentle as they are big! Unfortunately, like all giant breeds, Newfies are prone to orthopedic issues like osteoarthritis and cruciate ligament injuries. This was exactly the case for Ava, a 115-pound, 3-year-old Newfoundland who partially tore her cruciate ligaments in both knees.

As a mellow dog, Ava was able to recover without surgical intervention and resumed her normal activities without any noticeable pain. That being said, when Ava was approximately 6 years old, she began showing signs of pain and decreased mobility, a result of the arthritis that had developed in her knees.


Ava’s veterinarian diagnosed Ava with moderate osteoarthritis in both knees and recommended treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy. Ava’s owner agreed, stating, “I have grown up with horses and had seen success stories of using stem cells to help ligament and tendon tears…and started researching VetStem. After all, a Newfoundland is really a mini pony.”

To begin the VetStem process, Ava’s veterinarian collected fat from her abdomen in a minimally invasive anesthetic procedure. The fat was aseptically packaged and shipped to the VetStem processing laboratory in Poway, California. Lab technicians processed the fat to extract and concentrate Ava’s stem and regenerative cells. Three injectable doses of Ava’s own stem cells were shipped to her veterinarian and approximately 48 hours after the initial fat collection procedure, Ava received one injection into each knee as well as an intravenous injection. The rest of her cells were put into cryopreservation for potential future use.

Ava’s owner noted that it took about four weeks to see significant improvement in her lameness and mobility. At six weeks post stem cell therapy, Ava could get up from lying down and walk normally. She no longer did mini-skips or awkwardly adjusted her weight between her back legs.  She was also able to discontinue her use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Nine months after treatment, Ava was examined, and her veterinarian noted that both knees felt very strong and stable compared to before the stem cell treatment.

Approximately two years later, Ava hurt her leg again while playing. Fortunately, she had banked stem cell doses from her initial treatment. This time, Ava’s veterinarian treated both of her knees and both of her elbows, where she had also developed arthritis. Like before, it took about four weeks before Ava’s owner noticed improvement in her mobility. She was able to trot and play with her sister Newfie and go on her normal thirty-minute walk. Prior to stem cell therapy, Ava’s owner stated that she could barely go on a five-minute walk. 

Just over a year and a half after Ava’s second stem cell treatment, her owner contacted VetStem to say that Ava was still doing well. At nearly ten years old, Ava was still moving around well and had not had any anti-inflammatory medication since four weeks post her second treatment with stem cells. Her owner stated, “I can’t recommend stem cell therapy enough…so many people who know her were able to see the difference in her level of comfort, which only validates her story in my eyes even more. Thank you VetStem, you truly saved my bear’s life and I will always be thankful for that!” If you think your pet may benefit from VetStem Cell Therapy, speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of providers near you.

Mar 10, 2023

Honoring Lex on K9 Veterans Day

Posted by Bob under Dog Arthritis, VetStem Cell Therapy

Monday, March 13th is National K9 Veterans Day. This day is set aside to commemorate the service and sacrifices of American military and working dogs throughout history. The date is significant, as it was on March 13, 1942 that dogs first began training for the new War Dog program, and officially became a part of the U.S. Armed Forces.

VetStem has treated several working K9s, including Lex, the bomb sniffing German Shepherd who served two tours in Iraq. While we have shared his story before, it’s always worth revisiting as a reminder of the sacrifices working dogs make in order to serve their two-legged companions.

In 2007, Lex was on duty in Iraq with his handler and best friend, 20-year-old Corporal Dustin Lee. On March 21, 2007, Cpl. Lee’s base was attacked, and a 73 mm rocket explosion killed Cpl. Lee. Lex was also injured in the attack however was said to have laid upon Cpl. Lee in an attempt to protect him. Later, it was said that Lex had to be pulled away from Cpl. Lee to allow medics to attend to him. Unfortunately, Cpl. Dustin Lee succumbed to his injuries and passed away shortly after being taken to a nearby hospital. This was just six weeks before Cpl. Lee was scheduled to return home.

Lex also sustained injuries in the attack. His fur was burned and shrapnel was lodged in his back and spine. After returning home and attending the funeral of his friend Cpl. Lee, Lex returned to duty at the Marine Corps base in Georgia. Cpl. Lee’s family however lobbied for months to adopt Lex and in December 2007, Lex was officially discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps and taken home to his new family in Mississippi.

But Lex’s story doesn’t end there. Due to his injuries and the shrapnel that was still lodged in his body, Lex developed degenerative joint disease. His osteoarthritis became a problem, causing pain and mobility issues. That’s where VetStem comes in. Lex was taken to Dr. Lee Morgan of Georgetown Veterinary Hospital who recommended treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy. In 2010, Lex received injections of his own stem cells in his left hip and knee as well as intravenously. Lex initially had a great response to treatment and regained the ability to go up stairs.

In addition to Lex, VetStem has provided stem cell therapy services for several law enforcement and working K9s including Yana, a search and rescue dog, and Jax, an explosive detection dog. Though their stories may not be as dramatic as Lex’s, working dogs face rigorous physical activity and the potential for injury while on the job or later down the line after years of wear and tear on their joints. Just like their two-legged partners, they are willing to sacrifice it all for the safety of others. And for that, we honor all K9 veterans and working dogs alike.

Mar 3, 2023

Tripawd Dog Receives VetStem Cell Therapy for Hip Arthritis

Life for a dog with osteoarthritis can be tough. Pain and inflammation cause a decrease in mobility and quality of life. And those things become much worse when you suddenly lose a limb due to cancer. This is Reggie’s story.

Reggie, a mixed breed dog, lived an active and playful lifestyle. He was accustomed to 20+ mile hikes in the beautiful Colorado mountains and enthusiastically played fetch for hours in his back yard. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in his hips and his quality of life quickly began to deteriorate. His 20-mile hikes turned into 5 miles on flat terrain followed by crippling hip pain for the rest of the week. His legs began to slip out from under him while playing fetch and he would be in intense pain afterwards. Because of this, his ball had to be retired.

To make matters worse, Reggie was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on his front left leg. He was 11 years old at the time, so his owners initially elected to remove the tumor as opposed to amputating his leg. Despite several surgeries to remove the tumor, it kept recurring. To minimize chances of metastasis, Reggie’s owners eventually opted to amputate his leg at the recommendation of his veterinarian.


At the same time, his veterinarian recommended treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy for his remaining arthritic limbs. During his amputation surgery, his veterinarian, Dr. Angie Zinkus of Germantown Parkway Animal Hospital, collected fat tissue for VetStem Cell Therapy. The fat was shipped to and processed at the VetStem processing laboratory, and six stem cell injections were shipped back to Dr. Zinkus. Approximately 48 hours after the initial fat collection procedure, Reggie received an injection of his own stem cells into both hips, both knees, as well as his remaining elbow and shoulder.

When a dog undergoes leg amputation, the remaining legs must bear the extra weight, which may lead to the development and/or worsening of osteoarthritis. By treating Reggie’s shoulder, elbow, and knees, in addition to his arthritic hips, Dr. Zinkus hoped to mitigate the excess wear and tear on his joints, and potentially delay the onset or reduce the severity of future osteoarthritis in those joints.

In addition to stem cell therapy, Reggie received platelet therapy in each of his treated joints. Platelet therapy and stem cell therapy work synergistically. Concentrated platelets accelerate internal healing processes by attracting stem cells, supporting an anti-inflammatory environment, and stimulating local tissue repair processes.

According to his mom, Reggie had a great response to the stem cell and platelet therapy. She stated, “Once Reggie recovered from the amputation and was solid on his 3 legs, his quality of life has been amazing! His ball has come out of retirement and he is back to chasing it down like a champ without pain! We’ve slowly been increasing his mileage on his daily walks and he hasn’t been in any pain. His hips had been so painful that he no longer wanted to snuggle in bed with us for fear that we would bump his hips, and now we almost can’t get him out of our bed. The stem cell and PRP injections have given us our boy back, and he is living his best senior tripawd life! We celebrated his 13th birthday in February and are grateful to have a few more years with him knowing he will be comfortable.”

If you think your pet may benefit from VetStem Cell Therapy, speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of providers near you.

Feb 3, 2023

Golden Retriever Receives VetStem Cell Therapy for Arthritis

In honor of National Golden Retriever Day, we are sharing a VetStem success story about a Golden Retriever named Makalia. At a young age, Makalia was diagnosed with bilateral elbow dysplasia. At approximately two-years-old, Makalia underwent elbow arthroscopy in her left leg, which was the worst of the two. Despite the procedure, Makalia would limp on and off. Her owners managed her pain with medication for several years.

When Makalia was eight years old, she began limping on her right front leg more. The limp got progressively worse and eventually she became completely lame on that leg. After laser therapy didn’t help, Makalia’s veterinarian, Dr. Adam Gassel, recommended arthroscopy on the right elbow in addition to treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy on both elbows.


To begin the process, Dr. Gassel collected fat tissue from Makalia’s abdomen in a minimally invasive anesthetic procedure. At the same time, he performed arthroscopy on her right elbow. Her fat tissue was shipped to the VetStem processing lab where it was processed to extract and concentrate the stem and regenerative cells contained therein. Three injectable doses of Makalia’s stem cells were shipped back to Dr. Gassel. Approximately 48 hours after the initial fat collection procedure, Makalia received an injection of her own stem cells into each elbow as well as intravenously.

In a 90 day follow up evlauation, Makalia’s owners noted that she was no longer lame. Her stiffness, pain, and energy level had improved and she was no longer having problems walking or jumping. Her owner stated, “I didn’t realize how much pain she was in because now she is a new dog. Happier and playful again.”

Unfortunately, Golden Retrievers are among the breeds that have a higher likelihood of being diagnosed with joint dysplasia and osteoarthritis. The good news is, VetStem Cell Therapy can help to reduce pain and inflammation associated with OA and can even lead to the regeneration of healthy cartilage tissue.

If you think your pet may benefit from VetStem Cell Therapy, speak to your veterinarian or click here to receive a list of VetStem providers near you.
