VetStem Cell Therapy Helps Tucker, a Boxer, Play Again
Today is National Boxer Day, so we’re celebrating with a heartwarming VetStem success story about a Boxer named Tucker. Tucker was a lively 4-year-old who, according to his owner, had explosive energy levels. He would run and play outside for 4 to 6 hours each day. His life took a turn when he followed a cat off a 12-foot embankment at a dead run, landing with a thud that caused his right rear leg to buckle.
At first, Tucker limped but could still move around, so his owners took him to the vet. He was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in his hips and knees and was put on anti-inflammatory medications. Over the next year, his condition only worsened, with his leg deteriorating to the point that he could no longer climb stairs or enjoy his beloved outdoor playtime.
As time passed, Tucker became less active, only wanting to go outside for short trips to relieve himself. His owners were worried that he wouldn’t be able to walk at all within the next 6 to 12 months. Thankfully, their veterinarian recommended treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy. At just over 5 years old, Tucker underwent the procedure.
The VetStem process involves a relatively simple and minimally invasive fat collection procedure. Once the fat is collected and sterilely packaged, it is shipped to the VetStem laboratory for processing. There, VetStem lab techs process the fat to extract the stem cells contained therein. Stem cell doses are shipped for treatment while any extra remaining cells are placed into cryopreservation for potential future use. Tucker received injections of his own stem cells into both hips and both knees as well as an intravenous injection.
Six months after the procedure, Tucker was back to his energetic self, running, jumping, and playing outside for hours just like he used to. It was a true transformation, and two years later, Tucker was still living life as a young, active Boxer. His owners are forever grateful to VetStem for giving him back his mobility and zest for life stating, “Thank you, VetStem, for saving his life!”
If you think your pet may benefit from VetStem Cell Therapy, contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers near you.
