Archive for the ‘Cat Arthritis’ Category

Aug 16, 2024

Back in the Cat Tree: VetStem Helps Cat with Arthritis

Posted by Bob under Cat Arthritis, Cat Stem Cells

We frequently hear about osteoarthritis (OA) in dogs. And for good reason! OA affects approximately 1 in 5 dogs and can greatly reduce a dog’s quality of life. What we don’t hear about as much is osteoarthritis in cats. But, perhaps surprisingly, a high percentage of cats are affected by OA. In fact, according to one study, 91% of cats between 6 months and 20 years old have OA in at least one joint, as proven by X-rays.

Recognizing Arthritis in Cats

Unlike dogs, cats with pain from arthritis do not typically present with symptoms like limping and lameness. Instead, they will be less willing to jump and/or have shorter jumps. You may also notice a loss of appetite and weight loss, depression or a change in general attitude, poor grooming habits, and urination or defecation outside the litter box.

Case Report: Clyde’s Treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy

One example is Clyde, a cat who suffered from arthritis in multiple joints. According to his owner he could not go up and down stairs, his coat was unkempt, and he no longer climbed in the cat tree. His veterinarian recommended treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy. At the time of treatment, Clyde was approximately 15 years old.

To begin the process, Clyde’s veterinarian collected fat during a minimally invasive anesthetic procedure. The fat was shipped to VetStem where it was processed in our laboratory to extract and concentrate Clyde’s stem cells. One dose of Clyde’s own stem cells was shipped back to his veterinarian for intravenous treatment.

Clyde responded wonderfully to VetStem Cell Therapy. According to his owner, he was able to run up and down the stairs and enjoyed playing with his cat siblings. He also began climbing the cat tree again to watch the birds. Additionally, both his appetite and grooming improved, his coat became shiny and smooth once again.

The Important of Regular Vet Visits for Cats

In this instance, Clyde had symptoms that led his owner to pursue veterinary care. But many cats are masters at hiding their pain. As we approach National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day next week, this is a good reminder that cats need routine veterinary care just as much as dogs. And if you think your cat may benefit from treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy, contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers near you.


Feb 2, 2024

National Cat Health Month: Osteoarthritis in Cats

Posted by Bob under Cat Arthritis

February is National Cat Health Month, a time to bring awareness to the well-being of our feline companions. This month, emphasis is placed on regular veterinary check-ups to help ensure that our cats lead happy, healthy lives. Unfortunately, several studies in the last decade have demonstrated that as many as 50% or more of cat owners do not take their cat to the vet regularly.

Smiling woman and her cat at the veterinary clinic, a doctor is examining the pet

While there are several potential reasons that cats tend to visit the vet less, one reason commonly cited by owners is the belief that their cat is in excellent health and is never sick or injured. As you may know, cats can be masters at hiding their pain. So, while you may think they are perfectly healthy, there can be subtle signs of sickness or pain that are easy to miss if you’re not looking closely. One example is pain from osteoarthritis (OA).

For years, osteoarthritis in cats has been underdiagnosed when compared to dogs. One reason for this is that cats with OA present with different symptoms than what we see in dogs. Because of their smaller size and natural agility, cats tend to tolerate bone and joint problems better than dogs. But there are specific symptoms to watch out for.

According to the FDA, “Clinical signs of osteoarthritis in cats include weight loss, loss of appetite, depression, change in general attitude, poor grooming habits, urination or defecation outside the litter pan, and inability to jump on and off objects.” Unlike dogs, cats do not commonly present with lameness or limping. Instead, they will be less willing to jump and/or have shorter jumps.

Unfortunately, there are fewer treatment options for cats with OA compared to dogs. Unlike dogs, cats do not tolerate nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or other pain medications very well. In the U.S., there are only two NSAIDs approved for short-term post-operative use in cats, and there are currently no veterinary NSAIDs approved for safe, long-term use to control osteoarthritis pain in cats. There are some non-drug options including weight loss for overweight cats, increased exercise, as well as environmental accommodations such as elevated food bowls and more easily accessible litter boxes.

That’s where VetStem Cell Therapy comes in. Stem cells are a non-drug treatment option for osteoarthritis, which can be particularly beneficial for cats given that effective treatment options to control OA pain are extremely limited. Stem cells have shown the ability to directly modulate pain and down-regulate inflammation. Additionally, stem cells can induce repair and stimulate regeneration of cartilage and other joint tissues. VetStem Cell Therapy harnesses your cat’s own healing abilities, so it can be considered a natural and holistic approach to managing the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

If you think your cat may benefit from treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy, speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers in your area.

Aug 18, 2023

Osteoarthritis in Cats: Know the Signs

In last week’s blog, we discussed kidney disease in cats and how VetStem Cell Therapy may help. This week, we want to discuss osteoarthritis (OA) in cats so that cat owners know what to watch out for. That’s right, cats get OA too! In fact, a high percentage of cats will get or already have osteoarthritis. According to one study, 91% of cats between 6 months and 20 years old have OA in at least one joint, as proven by X-rays.

National Take your Cat to the Vet Day

But why two cat blogs in a row, you ask? Well August 22nd is National Take your Cat the Vet Day. This day is meant to bring awareness to the fact that the statistics for feline veterinary care are disparagingly low compared to dogs. According to one recent academic survey, only 20% of cat owners said they took their cat to the vet more than once a year, compared to 35% of dog owners. Additionally, 7% of cat owners said they never seek veterinary care, compared to 2% of dog owners. Likewise, in a targeted survey of pet owners conducted by the AVMA, only 48% of cat owners said they sought routine veterinary care for their cat, compared to 79% of dog owners.

Cats are Masters at Hiding Their Pain

There are likely several reasons for this discrepancy, one of which may be the fact that cats tend to be masters at hiding their pain. This tendency is often linked to survival instincts. In the wild, if a cat shows weakness, this may draw unwanted attention from a predator. But in the domestic cat whose only predator is a half empty bowl of food, this tendency to hide pain just means us owners have a hard time knowing when our cat should be taken to the vet.

Preventative Veterinary Care for Cats

Thus, National Take your Cat to the Vet Day promotes the idea of once-to-twice yearly preventative veterinary exams. These types of routine check-ups are important to maintain a cat’s health. Even if nothing appears to be wrong with your cat, routine examinations by your veterinarian may uncover some ailment that your cat has been hiding. In the same way, routine bloodwork can help your veterinarian monitor for diseases such as kidney failure.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis in Cats

But back to OA in cats. For years, osteoarthritis in cats has been underdiagnosed when compared to dogs. One reason for this is that cats with OA present with different symptoms than what we see in dogs. Because of their smaller size and natural agility, cats tend to tolerate bone and joint problems better than dogs. But there are specific symptoms to watch out for.

According to the FDA, “Clinical signs of osteoarthritis in cats include weight loss, loss of appetite, depression, change in general attitude, poor grooming habits, urination or defecation outside the litter pan, and inability to jump on and off objects.” Unlike dogs, cats do not commonly present with lameness or limping. Instead, they will be less willing to jump and/or have shorter jumps.

Treatment for Osteoarthritis in Cats

Unfortunately, there are fewer treatment options for cats with OA compared to dogs. Unlike dogs, cats do not tolerate nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or other pain medications very well. While there are some NSAIDs approved for short-term post-operative use in cats, there are currently no veterinary NSAIDs approved for safe, long-term use to control osteoarthritis pain in cats. There are some non-drug options including weight loss for overweight cats, increased exercise, as well as environmental accommodations such as elevated food bowls and more easily accessible litter boxes. But these are not the only non-drug treatment options available.

VetStem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis in Cats

VetStem Cell Therapy is a non-drug treatment option for osteoarthritis in cats, dogs, and horses. It can be particularly beneficial for cats, given that effective treatment options to control osteoarthritis pain are extremely limited. Stem cells have shown the ability to directly modulate pain and down-regulate inflammation. Additionally, stem cells can induce repair and stimulate regeneration of cartilage and other joint tissues. The beauty of VetStem Cell Therapy is that we are harnessing your pet’s own healing power, so it can be considered a natural and holistic approach to managing the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

If you are interested in having your pet treated with VetStem Cell Therapy, speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers in your area.

May 12, 2023

Arthritis Awareness Month: Arthritis in Cats

Posted by Bob under Cat Arthritis, Cats

As we shared in last week’s blog, May is Arthritis Awareness Month. We spend a lot of time talking about arthritis in dogs but it’s important to remember that cats get arthritis too! And because cats are masters at hiding their pain, and their symptoms present differently, sometimes it’s hard to know when our cats have arthritis.

Arthritis in Cats

It may surprise you to learn that a high percentage of cats will get or already have osteoarthritis (OA). According to one study, 91% of cats between 6 months and 20 years old have OA in at least one joint, as proven by X-rays. That being said, sometimes cats with OA have no visible changes on the X-rays. This is one of several reasons why osteoarthritis in cats can be difficult to detect and diagnose.

Symptoms of Arthritis in Cats

For years, osteoarthritis in cats has been underdiagnosed when compared to dogs. One reason for this is that cats with OA present with different symptoms than what we see in dogs. Because of their smaller size and natural agility, cats tend to tolerate bone and joint problems better than dogs. But there are specific symptoms to watch out for.

Unlike dogs, cats with pain from arthritis do not typically present with lameness and limping. Instead, they will be less willing to jump and/or have shorter jumps. You may also notice a loss of appetite and weight loss, depression or a change in general attitude, poor grooming habits, and urination or defecation outside the litter box.

Checklist to Screen for Early Signs of Arthritis in Cats

Fortunately, there are some newer tools available to help cat owners and veterinarians determine if a cat may have OA. One such tool is a checklist developed by researchers designed to help determine if a cat is suffering from pain associated with OA. The publication analyzed and compiled data from previously conducted studies to develop a short checklist that veterinarians can use to help detect pain associated with OA. The checklist may also be beneficial for owners who are concerned their cat may have OA.

The compiled data allowed researchers to pare down longer diagnostic questionnaires into six short questions:

  1. Does your cat jump up normally?
  2. Does your cat jump down normally?
  3. Does your cat climb up stairs or steps normally?
  4. Does your cat climb down stairs or steps normally?
  5. Does your cat run normally?
  6. Does your cat chase moving objects (toys, prey, etc.)

Treatment for Cats with Arthritis
Unfortunately, there are fewer treatment options for cats with osteoarthritis compared to dogs. Unlike dogs, cats do not tolerate nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or other pain medications very well. While there are some NSAIDs approved for short-term post-operative use in cats, there are currently no veterinary NSAIDs approved for safe, long-term use to control osteoarthritis pain in cats according to the FDA.

VetStem Cell Therapy for Arthritis in Cats
VetStem Cell Therapy is a potential treatment option for osteoarthritis in cats, dogs, and horses. It can be particularly beneficial for cats, given that effective treatment options to control osteoarthritis pain are extremely limited. Stem cells have shown the ability to directly modulate pain and down-regulate inflammation. Additionally, stem cells can induce repair and stimulate regeneration of cartilage and other joint tissues.

If you think your cat may benefit from VetStem Cell Therapy, speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers in your area.

May 5, 2023

May is Arthritis Awareness Month

Posted by Bob under Cat Arthritis, Dog Arthritis

May is Arthritis Awareness Month for pets (and people, too!). It is estimated that one in five dogs is affected by osteoarthritis (OA). Additionally, four to nine out of ten cats experience pain from OA. According to research conducted by Banfield in 2019, OA has been on the rise over the past ten years with a 66% increase in dogs and a150% increase in cats.

What Causes Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease in which the cartilage within a joint breaks down, causing changes in the surrounding bone. Common symptoms of OA include pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion. In dogs, the majority of OA cases stem from a developmental orthopedic disease such as joint dysplasia. It can also develop as a result of an injury such as a cruciate ligament tear.

Another factor that contributes to the formation or worsening of OA is weight. Excess weight puts more stress on a pet’s joints and thereby increases the risk of developing OA. Unfortunately, obesity in pets is on the rise and, according to Banfield’s research, one out of three cats and dogs in the U.S. are overweight. Thus, it makes sense that osteoarthritis in pets is also on the rise.

Osteoarthritis Treatments

While osteoarthritis can be a debilitating condition that severely affects a pet’s quality of life, there are several treatment options available. Like people, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other pain medications are commonly used in animals to treat pain from OA. Rehabilitation and exercise can also be effective at mitigating some of the major symptoms of OA and can help to strengthen the muscles that support a pet’s joints.

VetStem Cell Therapy has been used on thousands of patients to treat osteoarthritis. In addition to reducing pain and inflammation, stem cells can actually help to regenerate damaged joint tissues, leading to increased comfort and mobility. After receiving stem cell therapy, many pets have been able to reduce or discontinue their use of NSAIDs, which can have negative effects on major organs after prolonged use.

If you think your pet may benefit from treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy, speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers near you.

Aug 19, 2022

Feline Osteoarthritis: What Your Cat is Not Telling You

August 22nd is National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day. We like to bring attention to this matter because the statistics for feline veterinary care are disparagingly low compared to dogs. According to one recent academic survey, only 20% of cat owners said they took their cat to the vet more than once a year, compared to 35% of dog owners. Additionally, 7% of cat owners said they never seek veterinary care, compared to 2% of dog owners. Likewise, in a targeted survey of pet owners conducted by the AVMA, only 48% of cat owners said they sought routine veterinary care for their cat, compared to 79% of dog owners. For the purpose of this blog, we will discuss feline osteoarthritis and why routine veterinary care is so important when it comes to managing this disease.

Cats Get Arthritis Too

It may surprise some to learn that a high percentage of cats will get or already have osteoarthritis (OA). According to one study, 91% of cats between 6 months and 20 years old have OA in at least one joint, as proven by X-rays. That being said, sometimes cats with OA have no visible changes on the X-rays. This is one of several reasons why osteoarthritis in cats can be difficult to diagnose.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis in Cats

For years, osteoarthritis in cats has been underdiagnosed when compared to dogs. One reason for this is that cats with OA present with different symptoms than what we see in dogs. Because of their smaller size and natural agility, cats tend to tolerate bone and joint problems better than dogs. But there are specific symptoms to watch out for.

According to the FDA, “Clinical signs of osteoarthritis in cats include weight loss, loss of appetite, depression, change in general attitude, poor grooming habits, urination or defecation outside the litter pan, and inability to jump on and off objects.” Unlike dogs, cats do not commonly present with lameness or limping. Instead, they will be less willing to jump and/or have shorter jumps.

That being said, cats are masters at hiding their pain. Because it can be difficult to spot the signs of osteoarthritis in cats, routine veterinary care is essential. Your veterinarian will ask you questions about your cat’s behavior and will perform a comprehensive exam. Additionally, there are newer tools such as this checklist, that can help determine if your cat has OA.

Treatment for Osteoarthritis in Cats

Unfortunately, there are fewer treatment options for cats with osteoarthritis compared to dogs. Unlike dogs, cats do not tolerate nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or other pain medications very well. While there are some NSAIDs approved for short-term post-operative use in cats, there are currently no veterinary NSAIDs approved for safe, long-term use to control osteoarthritis pain in cats. There are some non-drug options including weight loss for overweight cats, increased exercise, as well as environmental accommodations such as elevated food bowls and more easily accessible litter boxes. But these are not the only non-drug treatment options available.

VetStem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis in Cats

VetStem Cell Therapy is a non-drug treatment option for osteoarthritis in cats, dogs, and horses. It can be particularly beneficial for cats, given that effective treatment options to control osteoarthritis pain are extremely limited. Stem cells have shown the ability to directly modulate pain and down-regulate inflammation. Additionally, stem cells can induce repair and stimulate regeneration of cartilage and other joint tissues. The beauty of VetStem Cell Therapy is that we are harnessing your pet’s own healing power, so it can be considered a natural and holistic approach to managing the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

If you are interested in having your pet treated with VetStem Cell Therapy, speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers in your area.

May 27, 2022

Therapeutic Massage for Arthritis in Pets

As most of you know by now, arthritis is one of the most common diseases that afflicts pets. In fact, according to most estimates, 1 in 5 dogs is affected by osteoarthritis. Additionally, it is estimated that 40-92% of cats are affected by arthritis. There are numerous potential treatment modalities for arthritis including medications, rehabilitation, and even VetStem Cell Therapy. Another emerging treatment option is therapeutic massage.

Complementary Arthritis Treatments

When it comes to treating arthritis, a multimodal approach may be best. For instance, some pets may benefit from treatments such as rehabilitation or acupuncture, in addition to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or other pain medications. The goal is for these treatments to complement one another to help make the animal more comfortable. One such treatment that is arguably underutilized is therapeutic massage.

Massage Therapy for Arthritis in Pets

Though it has been used for some time in human medical conditions, massage therapy is still an emerging field in the veterinary world. Unfortunately, studies of effectiveness are severely lacking. That being said, some human data, in addition to anecdotal evidence, suggests that massage therapy may be useful to improve the quality of life in pets suffering from arthritis pain.

Benefits of Massage Therapy for Arthritis in Pets

Massage therapy has multiple benefits that may lead to a reduction in arthritis symptoms. Most notably, massage promotes healthy blood flow to muscles throughout the body. This is particularly helpful to animals that have reduced activity and movement due to arthritis pain. By keeping muscles healthy and reducing atrophy, massage helps to facilitate healthy use of the body by maintaining muscle and joint function for as long as possible.

That being said, this field of therapy is still emerging so you likely won’t find it at every veterinary hospital. Additionally, the laws vary by state regarding who can legally practice massage therapy. As with any new treatment option, it is wise to do your own research and consult with your veterinarian to help make the most informed decisions for your pets.

Dec 3, 2021

VetStem Cell Therapy for Cats

It’s that time of year again: National Cat Lovers’ Month! And as always, we’re going to take this opportunity to tell you all about VetStem Cell Therapy for cats. While dogs and horses are most commonly treated for orthopedic conditions such as osteoarthritis or injured tendons and ligaments, cats more often than not receive VetStem Cell Therapy for other diseases.

Feline Renal Disease

Nearly 200 cats have received VetStem Cell Therapy for kidney disease. A common disease in cats, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a frequent cause of sickness and death in cats. In fact, some reviews suggest that CKD may be the number one cause of sickness and death in older cats. Unfortunately, treatment options are limited and can be costly.

Based upon data from the numerous cats treated with VetStem Cell Therapy, we believe that stem cells may help improve the symptoms and quality of life in some cats with CKD. In fact, a review of a small number of feline patients treated with VetStem Cell Therapy showed that blood kidney values were slightly to moderately improved after treatment. More data is necessary however and we continue to research stem cell therapy for this disease as part of our clinical research department.


Another potentially debilitating condition is gingivostomatitis. This disease is characterized by chronic inflammation of the affected cat’s gums. It can be very painful and lead to inappetence, reduce grooming, and weight loss. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease. Common treatments include lifelong medical management with antibiotics, steroids, and pain medications and/or full mouth teeth extractions.

Current literature supports the notion that gingivostomatitis is an autoimmune disease. Mesenchymal stem cells have demonstrated the ability to migrate to areas of inflammation, down-regulate inflammation, modulate the immune system, and repair damaged tissue. Additionally, a recent clinical study demonstrated that intravenous administration of adipose (fat) derived stem cells could ameliorate the clinical signs of gingivostomatitis. While more research is needed, preliminary results suggest that VetStem Cell Therapy can improve the symptoms of some cats with gingivostomatitis.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a gastrointestinal disease that can affect both cats and dogs. It is characterized by inflammation of the intestines and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, reduced appetite, and weight loss. It is important to note however, that these symptoms can be indicative of several conditions including feline lymphoma. Since VetStem Cell Therapy is contraindicated in pets with cancer, it is essential to rule this out before pursuing treatment with stem cells.

Multiple cats have received VetStem Cell Therapy for IBD (dogs too!). And we have had reports from veterinarians and owners regarding the improvement of their patients and pets after treatment with stem cells. As stated above, stem cells migrate to areas of inflammation, down-regulate inflammation, modulate the immune system, and repair damaged tissue, all of which can contribute to healing inflamed and diseased intestines. Additionally, in a recently published paper, 5 out of 7 IBD cats that were treated with stem cells significantly improved or had complete resolution of symptoms, whereas the 4 control cats had no improvement.

Orthopedic Conditions

Let’s not forget that cats can get arthritis too! Osteoarthritis (OA) in cats is a lot more common than you may think. It is estimated that 45% of all cats and 90% of cats over age 10 are affected by arthritis in some way. Unfortunately, cats can be masters at hiding their pain and thus, feline arthritis tends to go undiagnosed.

Though most of our osteoarthritis data is from dogs, cats have experienced similar results when treated with VetStem Cell Therapy. Stem cells may reduce pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and may lead to the regeneration of damaged joint tissues. This can result in increased mobility and a better quality of life for your kitty.

So, there you have it: VetStem Cell Therapy for cats in a nutshell. It’s important to remember that kidney disease, gingivostomatitis, and inflammatory bowel disease are still in the investigational stages. And as with any medical treatment, not all cats will respond positively. That being said, if you think your cat may benefit from VetStem Cell Therapy, contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers in your area.

Jan 15, 2021

Talk a Walk this January for Walk Your Pet Month!

Posted by Bob under Cat Arthritis, Dog Arthritis

January is Walk Your Pet Month! This month-long celebration serves to remind pet owners of the benefits of regular exercise. Walking your dog (or your cat!) can be an easy way to provide your pet with consistent, low-impact exercise, which can lead to improvements in joint health.

Benefits of Regular Exercise

Like people, pets may benefit from regular exercise. Walking is a low-impact exercise that may contribute to weight loss and may delay the onset and/or severity of osteoarthritis. According to the Arthritis Foundation, walking comes with several benefits which may lead to healthier joints including muscle strengthening, joint fluid circulation, and weight loss. Weight loss is an important factor when it comes to managing pain and lameness associated with osteoarthritis. One study found that weight loss significantly decreased lameness in obese dogs with OA.

VetStem patient, Rascal, getting some exercise and some vitamin sea!

How to Exercise Your Pet

Different pets require different exercise regimens, which vary based on several factors. One of your best resources is your veterinarian. He/She can help you build an exercise plan tailored specifically to your pet. That being said, it appears that regular, moderate exercise may be beneficial in comparison to intermittent, intense exercise.

According to Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine, “Regular physical activity is paramount in the treatment of osteoarthritis both in humans and animals. A lifestyle of regular activity that is moderated away from intermittent extremes of exercise (such as long hikes on the weekends) and activities to which the pet is not conditioned is essential. Ideally, multiple shorter walks are better than one long one. The same activity every day (or slightly increasing if tolerated) is ideal.”

Cats Need Exercise Too!

When we think of walking our pet, most of us immediately think of dogs. But cats suffer from osteoarthritis too and may benefit from routine exercise. Of course, it is not quite as easy with cats as it is with dogs. Some cats may like to walk on the leash. Others may prefer to play with a toy. Speak to your veterinarian about appropriate ways to exercise your cats to help keep them as healthy as possible.

Jun 26, 2020

New Checklist to Help Detect Osteoarthritis Pain in Cats

Posted by Bob under Cat Arthritis, Cat Stem Cells

When we think of arthritis in our pets, most of us immediately think of dogs. We have all heard about or experienced firsthand dogs with arthritic joints. But what about cats? Well, the truth is, osteoarthritis (OA) in cats is a lot more common than you may think. It is estimated that 45% of all cats and 90% of cats over age 10 are affected by arthritis in some way. Unfortunately, feline arthritis tends to go undiagnosed.

Symptoms of OA in Cats

With such a high percentage of cats potentially affected by arthritis, why is the problem underdiagnosed? The most obvious answer is that most pet owners do not know that their cat has OA because the signs are different than in dogs. The typical symptoms we see in dogs such as limping, stiffness, and pain, are generally not present or are much less noticeable in cats with the same ailment. Cats do not present pain in the same way dogs might. For instance, they do not generally vocalize pain and instead of limping, cats might not jump as well or as high. Knowing the signs is key to helping your veterinarian determine if your cat is affected by OA.

New Checklist to Check for Early Signs of OA

Because cats tend to hide their ailments well, researchers set out to develop a new checklist to help both cat owners and veterinarians determine if a cat is affected by pain associated with OA, also knows as Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). The recent publication analyzed and compiled data from previously conducted studies to develop a short checklist that veterinarians can use to help detect pain associated with DJD. The checklist may also be beneficial for owners who are concerned their cat may have OA.

The compiled data allowed researchers to pare down longer diagnostic questionnaires into six short questions:

  1. Does your cat jump up normally?
  2. Does your cat jump down normally?
  3. Does your cat climb up stairs or steps normally?
  4. Does your cat climb down stairs or steps normally?
  5. Does your cat run normally?
  6. Does your cat chase moving objects (toys, prey, etc.)

What to Do If You Think Your Cat May Have OA

If you answered no to any of the above questions and your cat hasn’t suffered any obvious injury that you know of, this might indicate that your cat may have OA. The first thing to do is make an appointment with your veterinarian to determine the diagnosis. If it is confirmed that your cat has OA, there are several treatment options that may bring your cat relief. The American College of Veterinary Surgeons recommends a multi-modal approach to pain management for arthritic cats. This may include weight management, physical rehabilitation and certain medications. If your cat is prescribed medication for pain, it is important to monitor them closely with your veterinarian to check for adverse side effects.

Stem cell therapy is another natural treatment option for cats with OA. Like dogs, fat is collected from the patient and shipped to the VetStem laboratory. After processing, VetStem will ship your cat’s own stem cells back to the veterinarian in injectable doses. Though the majority of our clinical data is from dogs, cats have responded to VetStem Cell Therapy in a similar way to dogs. Stem cells have shown the ability to reduce pain and inflammation and thereby improve a patient’s quality of life.

If you think your cat may benefit from stem cell therapy, contact us to receive a list of VetStem providers in your area.
