VetStem Cell Therapy Gets Horse with Laminitis Back to Work
Hey there, fellow horse lovers! Today, we have an amazing VetStem success story to share about a Quarter Horse who defied the odds and bounced back stronger than ever. Meet Spooks Lil Gun Run, lovingly known as Bunny by her devoted owner.
Bunny’s journey wasn’t an easy one. She battled a painful condition called laminitis, which wreaked havoc on her front feet. For those not familiar, laminitis is inflammation of the laminar tissue connection between the hoof and the underlying coffin bone. It is very painful and treatment options are limited.
In severe cases, such as Bunny’s, the inflammation can cause damage to the lamina and result in the hoof wall and coffin bone separating and the coffin bone rotating. This rotation causes severe pain and in some cases is fatal. Damage to the lamina is irreversible, and treatment is aimed at stabilizing the lamina, which can minimize further damage and help reduce pain.
According to Bunny’s veterinarian, Dr. Dylan Costello from Western Performance Equine, Bunny suffered from severe rotation of both coffin bones in her front feet, was grade 4/5 lame at the walk, and critically uncomfortable due to extreme pain. In an effort to reduce Bunny’s inflammation and pain, Dr. Costello recommended treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy.
Bunny received an injection of her own stem cells into each of her front legs. Due to the severity of her condition, she received a second identical treatment one month later. Within just one month post-treatment, Bunny’s owner noticed significant improvement. Her owner stated, “Amazing results! This mare was unusable and extremely painful. She has made a 100% recovery and is back in the reining and ranch riding show pen! The photo of her is at the last show placing the highest we have ever placed at an NRHA show! I have a new appreciation for stem cells and its effects and recommend it to anyone with a horse struggling with Laminitis.”
Talk about a comeback story, right? If you have a horse struggling with laminitis or any other orthopedic woes, VetStem Cell Therapy may help! Speak to your veterinarian or contact us to receive a list of providers near you.

Bunny competing at an NRHA show and placing the highest she ever has after treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy