Jul 3, 2012

Tucker’s Quality of Life Saved

Tucker was a 4 year old Boxer who was EXPLOSIVE in his energy level.  He would run and play outside for 4-6 hours a day.  One day he saw a cat and followed it off a 12 foot embankment at a dead run.  He sailed through the air and when he landed his right rear leg buckled.  When he got up he was limping and it got worse after a few days, so his pet parents, Larry and Robbi, took him to the vet and he was put on anti-inflammatory medication.

This process went on and off for the next 12 months as his hind leg deteriorated to the point that he could not walk up steps and stopped playing outside.  He did not want to go on walks anymore, other than to go outside and take care of Business.  His pet parents were scared that he would not be able to walk at all in 6-12 more months.  Tucker’s vet Dr. Christi Juliano, at Community Animal Hospital of Poughkeepsie, told Larry and Robbi about Vet-Stem and 1 month past his 5th birthday they did the procedure.

Well, it took 6 months to fully take effect, but he went back to his old self of running, jumping, and playing for hours outside.  It was 2 years on February 5th, 2012 since he had the procedure and he is like a young Boxer again.

Stories like this are why we do what we do!

We are so happy to be a part of your life, Tucker!

Living the Dream!



Dec 24, 2009

Stem Cell Therapy For Arthritis – How Long Will It Last?

When your pet is treated with adipose stem cells for arthritis in their joints, it is common to ask how long the treatment will last and when should you expect to need to retreat.  In survey data returned from owners of dogs treated with Vet-Stem therapy, over 2/3 of all dogs are not retreated during the first year.  Read the rest of this entry »

Nov 30, 2009

Vet-Stem highlighted in the UK

Garry JenkinsGarry Jenkins, based in London, has written a great post about stem cells for dog arthritis on his blog Canine Health.

He covers what Stem Cell Therapy is, how it works, and how stem cells can improve your dog’s life.

“Dogs suffer from a range of orthopaedic problems – from arthritis, osteoarthritis and hereditary dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints, to torn tendons and ligaments and bone fractures. Veterinarians have begun achieving startling results with a revolutionary new treatment, involving the injection of stem cells extracted from the patient’s own fatty tissue.” Read more

Nov 19, 2009

Stem cells relieve arthritis pain in Barney

These are the great stories I love to come across. Sarah Perham had her dog Barney treated with stem cells, and the results were so amazing to her, she started a website and blog about her dog’s stem cell procedure. Read the rest of this entry »

Nov 17, 2009

Arthritis in the dog, Man’s Best Friend or Man’s Best Model?

A common question is “when will this be available for humans?” New therapies do take longer to be allowed in people, but the good news is that Vet-Stem has collected very valuable data from the thousands of dogs and horses that we have helped veterinarians treat for OA and tendon and ligament injuries. The dog is actually a very good model for human osteoarthritis. Dogs are also prone to similar soft tissue injuries such as cruciate ligament ruptures (ACL, knee injury) and tears, conditions that veterinarians have seen great improvement in healing by using stem cells. Read the rest of this entry »

Nov 14, 2009

The science of stem cells for arthritis & other diseases

With the advent of the internet the amount of information both accurate and interesting is absolutely amazing. As a veterinarian I am constantly challenged to keep current with all the latest advancements, and with stem cells this can really be a challenge. A common search engine for medical literature is PubMed (use www.pubmed.gov if link does not work). Over the past few years the number of reviewed papers on fat derived stem cells has seen incredible growth. There are advances in what stem cells are being used for and in the knowledge of how stem cells do what they do. Read the rest of this entry »

Nov 10, 2009

Relief for Dogs with Arthritis

Owners have sent us some great videos of their dogs that have been treated with their
own stem cells from fat. One video link is below, but more can be found at www.vetstem.

WKRG.com News

Results do vary, and not all are as dramatic as for Bear. While owner surveys showed
that over 80% of dogs treated did improve, that does mean that 20% had little or no change.

No matter what treatments are used, it is important to note that weight loss, a
personalized rehab and exercise program and good teamwork between you and your
veterinarian will help your pet get the most out of the treatment.

Do you take videos of your dog? This could help you to see if they are showing signs
of arthritis and pain.

Aug 20, 2009

Are stem cells right for your dog’s arthritis or tendon injury?

Is your dog showing signs of arthritis? Does your dog have difficulty getting up, low activity level, can’t get in and out of the car and is no longer the fun loving dog you remember- more like the grumpy old man? Many pet owners think this is just a part of getting old. However, it is amazing what pet owners tell us after their pet has been treated with their own stem cells. “Like a puppy again!” “More energy”. One of the most rewarding experiences we have at Vet-Stem is to receive information like this!

Stem cell therapy works best if your dog is injected in the specific limb joints (hips, elbows etc.) that are the problem. In order to find out which joints are the problem, your veterinarian will need to do a thorough exam. At this exam, your veterinarian will also check any growths to be sure they are not cancerous. Read the rest of this entry »
