Nov 19, 2009

Stem cells relieve arthritis pain in Barney

These are the great stories I love to come across. Sarah Perham had her dog Barney treated with stem cells, and the results were so amazing to her, she started a website and blog about her dog’s stem cell procedure.

Her website,, chronicles Barney’s battle with hip dysplasia and her valiant efforts to try everything out there to relieve Barney’s arthritis pain- ultimately finding Dr. Bratton of Holt Veterinary Clinic who treated Barney with his stem cells.

If you are also a dog owner interested in having your dog treated with their own adipose derived stem cells this is a great resource to get a first hand opinion from someone who has been through the procedure. She also has a blog on her site for other owners to post their stories, and share their stem cell experiences.

Have you had your dog treated?
Let Sarah know by posting on her blog.


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