Oct 6, 2023

Walking to Reduce Symptoms of Arthritis in Dogs

Posted by Bob under Dog Arthritis, Exercise For Pets

The first week of October is National Walk Your Dog Week and we’ll take every opportunity to share the benefits of walking! According to the website, “Walk Your Dog Week aims to improve the health and wellbeing of America’s dogs.” Walking has many benefits for our canine friends such as providing mental stimulation and an outlet for their energy. Perhaps more importantly, walking can benefit a dog’s joint health as well.

If you follow our blog, you’re probably familiar with the statistic that approximately 1 out of every 5 dogs is diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA) in their lifetime. Thus, it’s important that we take care of our dogs’ joints from an early age. While there are several ways to support a dog’s joints, studies have found that regular, low-impact exercise, such as walking, can support joint health in dogs with and without OA.

There are several ways in which walking benefits a dog’s joints. One benefit of walking is weight loss or maintaining an ideal weight. Like with people, regular physical exercise can contribute to reaching or maintaining a healthy weight. When dog’s are at an ideal weight, there is less stress on their joints and therefore less wear and tear.

Additionally, walking can help to strengthen the muscles and supporting soft tissue structures around the joints to promote increased joint stability. This kind of movement can also improve joint fluid circulation, which is beneficial to maintaining healthy joint cartilage. With all of these benefits combined, walking has shown to delay the onset and/or reduce the symptoms of OA in dogs.

Of course walking is not a foolproof method to stopping or curing OA altogether. Your veterinarian can offer advice in terms of supplements and other ways to support your dog’s joint health. Additionally, VetStem Cell Therapy has shown to reduce pain and lameness associated with arthritis in dogs, thereby leading to a better quality of life.

If you think your pet may benefit from treatment with VetStem Cell Therapy, speak to your veterinarian or contact us for a list of VetStem providers in your area. And in the meantime, how about going for a walk to celebrate National Walk Your Dog Week!

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  1. World Pet Obesity Awareness Day | Said,

    […] continue. Furthermore, reduced activity often leads to more stiffness and pain. As we discussed in last week’s blog, regular, low-impact exercise tailored to your dog’s breed and physical abilities may reduce the […]