Stem Cells in Conjunction with Surgery
We recently posted a blog entitled “Stem Cell Therapy vs. Surgery” but what about stem cells in conjunction with surgery? Well, stem cells can absolutely be used in conjunction with surgery and may further benefit the healing process and overall patient outcome.
Stem cells are anti-inflammatory and can modulate pain. They have been shown to have the ability to reduce scar tissue formation, regenerate cartilage tissue, and restore elasticity to injured tendons and ligaments. When stem cell therapy is combined with a surgery, the animal gets benefit from both treatments. For instance, if a dog has a torn cruciate ligament that requires surgical repair, performing stem cell therapy in conjunction with the surgery may lead to reduced healing time, less pain/more comfort during recovery, and less scar tissue, which may ultimately lead to less arthritis down the road. The same goes for arthroscopy, in which a veterinarian clears arthritic joint space of abnormal bone or cartilage. Injecting stem cells after surgery may lead to healthy cartilage regeneration and ultimately more comfort for the patient.
Cruciate ligament repair and arthroscopy are two common procedures that we see used in conjunction with stem cell therapy. For instance, Lady received VetStem Cell Therapy in conjunction with cruciate ligament repair surgery while Pearl received VetStem Cell Therapy in conjunction with arthroscopy to treat arthritis in her elbows. Another patient, Sheldon, received VetStem Cell Therapy after arthroscopy to treat arthritis related to Fragmented Coronoid Process (FCP) in his elbows.
If your veterinarian has recommended surgery to repair a torn tendon or ligament or to treat arthritis, ask about adding on VetStem Regenerative Cell Therapy to further benefit the healing process. Or, if you would like a list of VetStem providers in your area, send us a Locate a Vet request.