Pet Experts Chat on Pet Sentinel’s Fireside Chats
I wanted to introduce you to our friends at Pet Sentinel. Pet Sentinel is a site that offers podcasts called Expert Fireside Chats.
Each Fireside Chat is an interview with an accomplished expert/specialist in the field of pet issues (pet health, pet treatment, pet nutrition, pet management, pet psychology, pet care, and so on). There is a focused 25-minute conversation with them on a topical subject (e.g. new cures for common pet ailments, new nutritional breakthroughs for pets, whole and natural pet foods, insights on pet behavior, natural ways to train and discipline pets (without use of force or any “strict” traditional means) and so on). The conversation is recorded, and the mp3 recording or podcast made available via The Pet Sentinel website to its community. We were honored to be invited to participate and share what we have learned about using stem cells for dogs with joint pain.
Our episode was recently posted to their website and can be found by clicking the link below.
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