KC’s Quality of Life Improved After Stem Cell Therapy
KC was a fortunate golden retriever. Though his breed is prone to osteoarthritis, KC managed to make it to 10 years old before he began to show symptoms of the disease. His owner, Krista, noticed he was limping and knuckling on one of his back paws. Having seen a news segment on stem cell therapy for animals, Krista visited Dr. Lillian Rizzo who determined KC had hip dysplasia in addition to osteoarthritis in his right hock.
In 2008, KC was treated with VetStem Cell Therapy and Krista reported it took less than 2 weeks before he started to show signs of improvement such as swimming, running, and chasing his ball.
Approximately 1 year after KC’s initial treatment, he received a second round of stem cell injections because he had begun to slow down a bit. Stem cell therapy helped him to live comfortably for the last 5 years of his life. Read more details about KC’s stem cell therapy here.
Contact VetStem for more information about stem cell therapy for the treatment of osteoarthritis or to receive a list of veterinary stem cell providers in your area.