How to Talk to Your Vet About Stem Cells for Your Dog’s Arthritis
It is estimated that 1 in 5 dogs in the United States suffers from osteoarthritis (OA). OA can present itself in many ways including stiffness, lameness, pain, and limited range of motion. If your dog is exhibiting any symptoms that may be caused by arthritis, it is best to consult with your veterinarian about all of your treatment options, including stem cell therapy.
You may have seen our many success stories from actual VetStem Regenerative Cell Therapy patients and wondered, “Would my dog benefit from this treatment?” Or you may find yourself at the end of the road with supplements, pain medications, and/or diet changes and wondering if there are alternatives to these traditional therapies that may be more effective. Whatever your situation may be, it is always best to research all of your options before deciding which therapy to proceed with. In this blog, we will help you discuss stem cell therapy with your veterinarian for your arthritic canine companion.
VetStem cell therapy has been used to treat canine arthritis since 2008. As a newer, more progressive therapy, it is not often at the forefront of your veterinarian’s mind when it comes to first-line treatments for arthritis. Why, you might ask? The answer is that only about 10% of practicing veterinarians have advanced training in regenerative medicine and even recent veterinary graduates have had limited exposure to regenerative stem cell medicine. While VetStem works diligently to change this statistic, don’t be afraid to bring up VetStem cell therapy to your veterinarian if they don’t suggest it first! Below you will find some resources to help you speak with your veterinarian about stem cell therapy which can help determine if your dog might benefit from the treatment.
First, you may want to print this letter to bring to your vet appointment, in case your veterinarian is not familiar with VetStem cell therapy. If your veterinarian asks for evidence to support the use of stem cells for treatment of arthritis, you can reference this study which demonstrated the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in the treatment of canine arthritis of the hip. We also have a study that evaluated stem cell therapy for the treatment of elbow arthritis in dogs. If your veterinarian has heard of or has used VetStem cell therapy before, inquire as to whether or not he/she thinks your dog may be a good candidate for the therapy. You can utilize this checklist to help answer this question. Lastly, let your veterinarian know that our staff veterinarians are available to help answer any questions about stem cell therapy or about specific patients. They can simply contact us to learn more.
Best of luck and congratulations for taking the initiative to explore stem cell therapy for your canine companion!