Global Leaders in Stem Cell Therapy Meet in La Jolla
Yesterday a global stem cell meeting began in La Jolla with leaders from around the world, “Stem Cells on the Mesa.” The discussions are centered on stem cell science and the development of new products. Vet-Stem presented the stem cell story in veterinary medicine to the amazement of many in the audience. Researchers and business leaders commented that Vet-Stem and veterinary medicine were leaders in translating stem cell science into true clinical treatments. With over 4000 horses and 4000 dogs treated with stem cells, we are helping the industry see that stem cell therapy really works and is safe!
The morning panel today included the head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) who stated that it is the government responsibility to provide scientific leadership and that he supported the creation of a national strategy for regenerative medicine.
Vet-Stem is proud to be in the forefront in bringing cell therapy into the hands of the practicing veterinarian and we are grateful to the many pet owners that have trusted stem cell therapy for the treatment of arthritis in their beloved animals.
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