May 12, 2010

UC Davis-More News on Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy (Part III)

In my second post on the UC Davis Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Meeting, I covered the presentations by Dr. Caplan and Bill Casner. UC Davis also presented data on the use of stem cells in horse deep flexor tendon injury (leads eventually to arthritis).  Dr. Larry Galuppo reported that 47 horses were treated (45% were severe injuries). 65% of these horses treated with stem cells recovered to return to work.

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May 3, 2010

UC Davis-The News on Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy (Part II)

In my March 12 post on the UC Davis Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Meeting, I covered the general topics presented at the meeting.  Today I want to go a little more in depth on the results of stem cell treatment of arthritis that were presented at the meeting.  First, the keynote speech by Dr. Arnold Caplan of Case Western Reserve University was the highlight of the meeting.  Dr. Caplan described how stem cells really work (I will cover in a blog specifically on this topic very soon).  Read the rest of this entry »

Mar 12, 2010

First Veterinary Industry Stem Cell Meeting

Last week I had the honor of presenting our Vet-Stem stem cell treatment success data at the First North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Meeting.  Sponsored by our partners at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, it was an incredibly intense and exciting stem cell meeting focused specifically on veterinary medicine.  I presented data on arthritis in horses and arthritis in dogs and how stem cells can reduce the pain and improve quality of life and even performance.  There were over 40 presentations from universities, private practices, and industry.  The amount of sharing and open discussion frankly surprised me.  It is the first of many to come I am sure.  In my upcoming blogs I will provide you with a glimpse into some of the exciting possibilities being researched.  But for now, be proud that the data from your dogs and your horses (those that have used stem cells) was the most solid and clinical proof of how well these cells work in real patients.  I presented data on over 3,500 cases of orthopedic injury and disease including pain from arthritis and how animals can return to a useful and happy life after treatment with stem cells from adipose (fat) by their Vet-Stem trained veterinarian.
