Archive for November, 2010

Nov 27, 2010

Lex, Marine Corps Bomb-Sniffer – The Rest of the Story!

Posted by Bob under Dog Arthritis

Lex did finally get adopted by the family of Corporal Dustin Lee.  The full background of the story can be read at AARP, The Magazine. Lex has had a hard life and his arthritis really became a major problem recently.  Read the rest of this entry »

Nov 24, 2010

Lex, Marine Corps Bomb-Sniffer – His story

Posted by Bob under Dog Arthritis

Grab a box of tissues and read on…. The rocket came in fast, maybe 900 feet per second—too fast for anyone to sound the warning siren, and much too fast for all the troops of the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force to take cover. It was March 21, 2007, when the 73-millimeter insurgent-launched rocket exploded inside their base in the Al Anbar province of Iraq, right next to Corporal Dustin Jerome Lee and his canine partner, Lex Lee, a 20-year-old Mississippi native, was gravely wounded by the blast. Read the rest of this entry »

Nov 16, 2010

Quality is Critical to Stem Cell Therapy – Insider’s Tour

Posted by Bob under Dog Arthritis, Stem Cell Therapy

Just like with a medical drug, stem cells must be collected and handled in the highest quality manner in order to maximize their good effects and safety.  If your dog’s arthritis is the reason you are seeking stem cell therapy, you expect and deserve the very highest quality.  When your Veterinarian collects a small sample of fat, it is done in an operating room with special attention to aseptic technique, meaning they use sterile gloves, instruments, and transport tubes.  The sample is then placed into a specially designed shipping container with a custom refrigeration pack.  The sample is shipped overnight by FedEx Priority Alert to our laboratory in San Diego, CA.  There are dozens of safety and quality checks as the sample makes its way through the aseptic processing by specially trained technicians following detailed written instructions.  Many steps are double checked by a second technician. Read the rest of this entry »

Nov 3, 2010

Vet-Stem Presents at International Fat Stem Cell Meeting

Posted by Bob under Dog Arthritis, Stem Cell Therapy

Vet-Stem Speaks at IFATS 2010

This last week I was privileged to be an invited speaker at the International Stem Cell Meeting in Dallas.  The focus was the science and clinical use of stem cells derived from fat tissue for use in humans and our animals.  There were speakers from 27 different countries!    I presented our clinical data on arthritis in dogs and how stem cells have helped 1000’s of dogs in the US.  Here are some key facts confirmed by many speakers: Read the rest of this entry »
