Aug 25, 2010

Ohio State University and Vet-Stem Train Vets in Stem Cell Use

Posted by Bob under Dog Arthritis, Stem Cell Therapy

The use of stem cells in veterinary medicine is spreading rapidly as evidenced by the training offered at the Annual Meeting of the American Veterinary Medical Association last month in Atlanta.  Vet-Stem alone has now trained over 4,000 veterinarians in regenerative medicine techniques.  There are now trained vets in almost every community in the US!  This last weekend, Dr. Matt Barnhart, an experienced veterinary surgeon (Med Vet Ohio), and I co-taught an entire day training session (course outline) at The Ohio State University on stem cell medicine. Veterinarians from all over the US attended to receive this advanced training and received their certifications.  We were invited by the College of Veterinary Medicine at OSU to come on campus and offer this course as part of their continuing education program.  Several students and residents also participated. Read the rest of this entry »
